

Thursday, 20 March 2014

10 meaningful albums-challenge

I got this challenge ages ago from lovely Horros and finally I have the time and inspiration to do this. Here we go. 10 meaningful albums of my life.

1. Queen - A night at the opera

I can't describe how much I love Queen's music. It's full of expression, So powerful and yet so vulnerable. What kind of musician the whole world lost when Freddie died, R.I.P dear fella.

2. Nightwish - Wishmaster

This music was actually my first touch into the metal music. I remember when I got this album on my birthday and since that I played it over and over again. At the age of 10 :3 My teacher started to cry when I took this album to school, she was... well, a fanatic Christian.

3. Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes

I remember listening this album when I was on 3rd class of high school. Not good time for me, I was really sick and so tired. This album gave me some strenght back then.

4. Diablo - Eternium

Diablo was actually my first step into the darker, harder metal. I was...16 years old when I first started to listen this kind of music. So it was not anymore hc-teenage angst, thank God :D It was mostly because of my boyfriend I got into the metal music but I am happy for it. This music has given me so much, friends, life, strength to be my own self.

 I could not find the full album, but here's one track from it!

5. Gorgoroth - Antichrist

This band was propably my first touch to black metal. I heard it and it had me. Still on that (left hand) path theehee! :D

6. Satyricon - Volcano

This band was with Gorgoroth first bm-bands I started to listen regularly. Satyricon is not so my thing anymore, but I remember my first bm-gig, it was Satyricon's and I loved it with my every cell!

7. Archgoat - Whore of Betlehem

Once I got known to bm, that was it. I knew it was SO my thing. It escalated with this album, even after all these years this album gets me excited! (not in THAT way you filthy-minded darklings)

8. God Seed - I begin

Gaahl.I am a hopeless fan girl, do I need to say anything more?

9. Burzum - Filosofem

I think that this album does not need any excuses. It's just brilliant in every possible way.

10. Spice Girls- Spiceworld.

I rest my case.


 This takes me to the fantasy world in which I wish to live in.


  1. Jeeee, spaissarit :D Siis nehän oli ihan parhaita ;D

    1. No todellaki! Edelleen esim. tankotreenien aikaan tule kuunneltua innokkaasti :D

  2. Wardruna o/ Olitko sillä Helssingin keikyllä viime marraskuussa? :3

    1. Valitettavasti en ollut, täältä Suomi-neitin yläpäästä on aina oma hommansa lähtiä ja hommata yöpaikat yms. :/

  3. Olipa mielenkiintoinen! :) Jotenkin vaihtelua niihin, mitä on yleensä nähnyt noista ja pari ihan yllättäjää oli, en olisi tuota Diabloa osannut aavistaakaan! (Ja Spaissarit, kyllä kyllä. Harmittaa, jos vanhemmat kaverit eivät osaa arvostaa ysärimusiikkia...:D)

    1. Ysäri on mulle niin nostalgista että sen arvo on ihan puhtaasti jotain muuta kuin musiikillista :D Mutta onhan ne timanttisia biisejä! Vieläkin jaksaa tanssittaa jos jossain baarissa kuulee ;)

  4. Ai kun repesin sun opettajalle..NW on kyllä saatanallisinta, mitä tiedän ;)
