

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Facts about me

1. My mom is OBSESSED with organizing things. Well, I am not. And atm we are having a fight about it :D

2. I hate leak.

3. I freak out if I see a clown, thanks to movie "It"

4. I rarely remember any of my dreams and when I do, they are 100% fucked up.

5. I was a huge Nirvana-fangirl at high school

6. I love funny things, like picking up cool stuff from the ground (pins, stickers, u name it), squeezing blueberries until they burst all the juice, the feeling when you get your socks off and slip your feet under the blanket...

7. I am impulsive and I get quickly tired of everything. Wonder why I have screwed up so many relationships? :D

8. Then again I am super loyal to my dearest friends and to my family. For example, I travelled through the night and over 900 km just to see my friend since I knew she needed me.

9. I am pessimist, cynical and kinda misanthropic. But still, I yearn to love and to be loved. Atm only by Mr. Hedggie, but he is doing a great job <3

10. I have started to eat more fish. I have lived by a lake for my entire_life and I just hated the smell and taste of fish. This is on progress..


  1. Mustikkajutusta tuli mieleen, että mietin varmaan vuosia, miltä tuntuisi puristaa kääretorttua (öööö), ja joskus sellaisen ollessa alennuksessa päätin toteuttaa tämän idean. Ei ollut niin jännä kokemus, kuin mitä olin kuvitellut, se hajosi liikaa. :D Hmmh...

    1. TOINEN ihana juttu on puristella pullataikinaa :D

  2. Mustikan puristelusta tuli mieleen, et ainakin mie tykkään syödä leipäjuustoa, se on hyvää ja narisee hampaita vasten. :D Jotkut ruoka-aineet vaan ovat sellaisia, että niitä on kiva syödä sen koostumuksen ja maun takia. ^^

    1. Joo ja täällä päin varsinki hillan kans leipäjuusto on ehkä parasta ikinä <3
